Sanderson Sisters Caramel Apples: A Hocus Pocus Inspired Recipe

Caramel Apples | Disney Recipes | Halloween Recipes | The Geeks are celebreating Halloween early with their recipe for Sanderson Sisters' Caramel Apples inspired by the Disney film Hocus Pocus! [sponsored] Our recipe for Sanderson Sisters Caramel Apples is a Paid Promotion for Walt Disney Studios’ Hocus Pocus.

Halloween is our favorite time of the year! Usually, during this time of year, we focus on scarier films. However, we were so excited for the 25th Anniversary of Hocus Pocus that we knew we had to do a recipe for it! We’ve created a fun recipe inspired by the infamous sisters themselves, Sanderson Sisters Caramel Apples!

In Hocus Pocus, “the Sanderson sisters are in for a devil of a time when their restless spirits are accidentally conjured up on Halloween night, in 1993 Salem, Massachusetts. Banished 300 years ago for practicing their sorcery, this trio of triple-threat demons vowed to one day reappear—and now they’re back—weaving an outrageous web of comedy and chaos. However, to guarantee their immortality, the things they need are the very things that could bring them down: Max Dennison (Omri Katz), his little sister Dani (Thora Birch), and the Allison (Vinessa Shaw), three kids with the power to make or break the witches’ spell.”

Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the film’s release, Walt Disney Studios has re-released the Blu-ray with some new bonus features! Here they are:

BLU-RAY & DIGITAL*: The Geeks are celebrating Halloween early with their recipe for Sanderson Sisters' Caramel Apples inspired by the Disney film Hocus Pocus! [sponsored] #CaramelApples  #DisneyRecipes #HalloweenRecipes #HocusPocus #HocusPocusRecipes

  • We Hocus Pocus”: Trivia and Treats Edition – A spellbinding new way to experience the film with:
    • Fun facts and trivia
    • Deleted scenes
    • Cast and crew commentary
    • Concept art and storyboards
    • Behind-the-scenes secrets, and more!
  • Original 1993 Production Featurette – Discover that witchcraft is cinematic artistry in disguise in this resurrected throwback production featurette.

*Bonus features may vary by retailer

The inspiration for the Sanderson Sisters Caramel Apples came from a couple of places. First and perhaps most obvious, is the color of the Sanderson Sisters’ dresses. We also added bugs to Sarah’s since she eats them throughout the film. Mary’s has chocolate and nuts similar to the candy bars she tries. The 2nd and less obvious inspiration, is the fact that caramel apples were served at Allison’s Halloween Party. In fact, there are a ton of delicious treats in that scene! Can you spot them all?

We hope you enjoy our recipe for Sanderson Sisters Caramel Apples! Be sure to pick up your copy of Hocus Pocus, now available on Blu-ray/DVD and Digital HD! Who’s your favorite Sanderson Sister? Let us know in the comments below or tag us on social media using the hashtag #GeekEats! Happy October!

The Geeks are celebrating Halloween early with their recipe for Sanderson Sisters' Caramel Apples inspired by the Disney film Hocus Pocus! [sponsored] #CaramelApples  #DisneyRecipes #HalloweenRecipes #HocusPocus #HocusPocusRecipes

*This is a Paid Promotion for Walt Disney Studios’ Hocus Pocus. All opinions are wholly our own. View our Disclosure Policy for more info.

The Geeks are celebrating Halloween early with their recipe for Sanderson Sisters' Caramel Apples inspired by the Disney film Hocus Pocus! [sponsored] #CaramelApples  #DisneyRecipes #HalloweenRecipes #HocusPocus #HocusPocusRecipes

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